
Cloudy. Sometimes, your enthusiasm can be shrouded by the cloud of disappointment and discouragement.

Thunderstorm. At times, your motivation is derailed by the zipzap of all the activities around you.

Rain. Other times, you are just burdened by the pouring of workloads and expectation till you forget the joy of serving.


Lord, you are my tower of refuge. Where shall I go to when disappointment, discouragement, expectations and tasks seem intent on coming between my eyes and you? Lord, you are my strength. Lord, you are my comfort. You are the reason why I fight on. Because, oh Lord, you are the reason why I started anyway. If you don’t say stop, I shan’t stop. I am made but to please you.

Even if things were to not work as it should, I will still hang on and not give up. Lord I don’t need to know who else is for me, when I know you’re for me. I don’t need to depend on what others think if I know what you think. I don’t need to see others smile, if I know that you’re smiling. I don’t need to be afraid if I know that you’re going right before me.

Lord, I smile. I smile at your smile. I pray that I can always make you smile. I’m too silly. Sometimes I raise your eyebrows a lil. Sometimes you are forced to shake your head at what I do. Sometimes, my mind is everywhere bar on you. Sometimes, I try so hard to focus on you that I end up somewhere else. Sometimes, I don’t even listen to you anymore.

I’m silly. And you’re gracious. Way too gracious for me. I don’t deserve. Thank you. You’re amazing. I can’t stop. You have called. I will go. I want you to smile. Smile at me. Smile, Lord. Teach me. Discipline me. Why are you so patient with me? Why do you even care? Why do you even love me? Who am I? Why me? Wrong starting point. It’s Who Are You that matters. I cannot believe it. Lost in words. Lost in wonders. It’s you, Lord. It’s you. It’s your love. Your Love.

I surrender. These are all yours. And I can only worship you.

Father, here I am again.Waiting for your rainbow.



June 27, 2010.

That was a year ago. June 27, 2010 was the day that I almost drowned in a lake.

God saved me and gave me a second chance to live. It was an unforgettable experience and feeling.

I guess it was the physical representation of my emotional going at that moment. God sent people to pull me out of the water in both situation.

My God provides a way and he saves.

Lord, I want to thank you for your help and your faithfulness. I want to thank you for turning everything around so dramatically.

‘Heart’ as stone.

‘If God were to turn all of the world’s guns into flowers, skeptics would question the historicity of the event.  Some would doubt that the guns themselves morphed into flowers, and would consider themselves more reasonable to conclude that the gun-owners of the world were either part of an Operation Flower conspiracy or were themselves deceived.  Other skeptics would grant that the guns did turn into flowers, but would postulate that it was more likely the handiwork of aliens than an as-of-yet unproven God.  Still others would grant that it was God who turned the guns into flowers, and that it is unethical to worship such a God who would so callously leave millions and millions of soldiers around the world unemployed as their militaries were suddenly out of business.  And, two thousand years into the future, skeptics would point to the “Story of the Rifled Roses” as a legend circulated by a superstitious people—a majority of the present world’s population (depending the source, 60-80%) is, after all, theistic.’

Taken from http://www.answeringinfidels.com/index.php?option=content&task=view&id=32 .

Luke 11:29-32. You will never believe that God exist if your heart is set on being a sceptic. Nothing is ever going to convince you. People only want to be entertained and amused, not transformed. Heart, hard as stone.

Sometimes, It Still Does

Sometimes, it still does hurt.

I need to learn to forgive. But it wasn’t nice what you did.

Should I pour out to get better or should i keep it to get better?

God, come again and help me.

Unscratchable Itch

Dear God,

There is a niggling discomfort in my heart. Or is it an unspeakable excitement? Or is it a worry I haven’t dealt with? Or is it a lurking danger somewhere I’m unsure of? Or is it a quiet anticipation of great things to come?

Father, I don’t know what I’m feeling. I pray that you help me with this. Help me get them sorted out. Give me a clear, organised picture of everything.

And Father, can I reiterate my intention of serving you with my past, my present and my future? Lead me in that direction. I am willing to lay my life down and to live it up for you. Bring me through whatever that I need to. Let me not lose sight and burnout.

Lord, I love you. Help me.

Quan Wei

“Trust in the Lord your God with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge him, and he’ll make your path straight.”

– Proverbs 3:5-6

Satan is smiling. Let’s unbox God.

Satan is smiling. The sun is shining on him. There are alot of dead souls out there, hopelessly drowned out in human wisdom and intelligence.

I live among many such people. God is misconcepted in an advance country like Germany, steeped in knowledge and sour experiences with clergies who misused God’s name.

God is rendered irrelevant in life. I don’t need God. I want to do things on my own. I don’t want to be told what to do in life. I just want to be happy. I don’t want to be held down by a God. God is just a created concept of human being. God is believed only by those who are weak.

How needy these people are. It hits right in my face. Never have I realised the extent of the world’s unbelief and spiritual gap. They are dead. Science has buried God with them. I am confronted with so many people with so a deep sense of resentment towards God, it’s crazy. I never thought it’s this bad.

And I realised that no argument can bring to God. No argument can make them realise that God exists.

It is only through God’s own hands, that we’re gonna see hearts change, eyes tear and knees bow. Whenever I have any apologetics discussion with them, I just wish that God would strike the ground right where they are, freakin the living hell out of them, and put heaven back in them.

It takes more than human intelligence to win over human intelligence. Arguments may win over minds, but chang no hearts. God has to be involved personally. I don’t know how. But I guess it’s gonna be quite special. And he’s gonna do it through us. Have we obedience enough? Have we faith enough in our God?

Simple obedience and simple faith.

I can’t argue anymore. The more i argue, the more I see misery, the more I feel hopeless. For them. So that God’s glory will shine in their life; so that God be lifted up in their heart and life, I want to take this gamble. I’m gonna trust that if I go as He wants, changes can happen. I believe that being a nice, subtle Christian is not all I can be nor called to be. Let’s stretch the faith and move mountains. I want to be a troublemaker. A Christian too hot to handle, someone that ruffles feather and make un-God uncool. There is so much of us God want to use. He’s waiting for us to realise how simple it is. Simple obedience. Abraham was called great by God due to His simple obedience. Jesus saves the entire human race due to his obedience. Paul brought the Gospel to the world simply obeying God. You can change your friends life simply by obeying.

Imagine if we can follow God’s instruction like we follow the driving instructor. Wouldn’t our life and earth move? This is a gamble which we are odds on to win. Take it.

I like it when I hear that God is smiling.
But, Satan is now smiling. And I hate that. He is smiling because Christians are timid. He is smiling because we don’t realise how great this God we serve actually is. He is smiling because the Christians are stupid enough to believe that a peaceful life is the most we can achieve. He is smiling because we have chosen to let go of our sword, and hide behind our shield. And he will keep smiling unless we take up the sword and wipe the damn smile out of his forsaken face.

Leading bible study, serving in the worship team, ushering people into church are sweet and important. But God has SO MUCH MORE in stored for us!! Let’s not put God in our box of small ambition. Let’s lead bible study, serving in the worship team, ushering people into church and MORE!

My heart is burning. Oh boy, my heart is burning.

Excuse me for the long piece. There is a world to be won over. There is a huge power reservoir in God waiting for us to discover!! C’mon!! I ain’t gonna wait till i graduate. I want to unbox God now, and show the world His love.

Let’s breed the fire inside.

Am i alone? Am i overzealous? Let Him who judges, judge.

Quan Wei

God unboxed.

I want to do something for the Lord.
I want the Lord to do something through me.

I think I have now a heart for the needy. I want to give to God what He has given to me.
I want to use the knowledge I have attained for the people who need it.

Let me build houses. Let me dig wells. Let me bring knowledge.
Let me share love. Let me give what I am given to others.
Let me exercise God’s love. Let me be a change maker.

Dear God,

If you will, equip me, and use me, so that your kingdom will be expanded, and your glory be shown. Equip me and use me, so that I can bring your love and hope to people who need them.

This thing burning inside me.

I know that I have a greater role in the world, and in God’s plan than to just sit and earn money.

God, unbox your plan.

Chase After God

Don’t chase after God’s ministry so much that you leave God behind.

Chase after God, and God will bless the ministry.

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. – Matthew 6:33

Busy Yet Nothing Is Done?

God does not ask u to do EVERY thing …

Just YOUR thing …

Many do NO thing cause they are overwhelmed with EVERY thing …

Do SOME thing!!!

Gloriously I Am Made. Glorious I Am in Him.

Dear Christians,

We are made glorious by God. We are glorious. We are glorious in the sight of God.

It is not our own work. We didn’t earn it. And so we shouldn’t take the praise for it.

But we can claim to be glorious because Christ has done the work for us. He has earned it for us.

It was the shedding of His Blood that has elavated us unto the status of glorious children. His Blood that cleanse us from our sin, from our transgressions, our wrongdoings.

We should live in the knowledge of this. With this, we will realise our standing with God. It is closer, more intimate than you think. And knowing our standing with God, we know that whatever we go through, we have a God who is there with us. A God that will fight the fight with us.

Isn’t it enlightening to know that the greatest being in the world declares you clean? Isn’t it marvelous just to know that He calls us friend? Isn’t it mindblowing that this is all for free?

Well, get to know my God =)

All glory be to God.